Thursday, February 23, 2006

A Month Later and I F*cked up Again!!

DISCLAIMER: The images and writing contained in this blog are the thoughts and opinions of the blogger. Obviously, all names have been left out to protect both the innocent and the guilty. Thank heavens for the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution which allows presentation of my own feelings and opinions. There are those that feel I have violated privacy or confidences, however, with no names mentioned, attachment can only be made by inference. If by chance you don't agree with what is written here, or, feel you don't like what you have read, stop reading and don't bother coming back.

I don't know why I write here... I am very inconsistent. While hoping things would get better... all they do is get worse... And in this case, I'm the cause... My son Dan, recently returned home from his second friggin deployment to Iraq, celebrated (not) his 25th birthday on the 21st.

Being the "perfect" father that I am did not even get him a birthday cake... We were going to go out to dinner on the evening of his birthday (I got that night off by switching work dates with an associate from work) but when the evening came, Dan did not feel like going... so we didn't. To compound the situation, I forgot(neglected) to get Dan a birthday cake or a proper birthday card... Nice goin Dad...

Well I really am at a loss. I am just not functioning like I should. I used to be good at surprise parties and special events and such... now I just f*ck up too often. Maybe things will improve in time... only time will tell... mean while need to get Dan a cake and right away... later....