It has been way too long since my last post. This past September 18th was the 17th anniversary of my wife's passing. We still do not know if she started out with lung or breast cancer that spread into bone cancer. In any case, I received an e-mail about a family urging everyone to go Passionately Pink on October 15th. (that happens to be my wife's birthday... ) Participating is simple. Just wear something pink on October 15 and make a donation of $5 or more to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the leader of the global breast cancer movement.

Please wear something pink on October 15th and send a donation of any amount by visiting the web page...shown at the bottom of this post.
I post this in memory of my wife, Fran and my friend Bobbi's recently passed daughter in law. Thank you. 3175376&pg=personal&fr_id=1080&et=iJpq3C5MiMZmp9a9gPCJjA