well... time sure does fly when you throw the clock out the window...
Been quite some time since my last post...Lots has happened, much of which I dare not write about here... however... I will say, once again I am back on the board of directors of my local volunteer ambulance corps. Funny thing about it... I can't say it will matter much.
I'm on as past chief... a single, non elected position on the board, automatically held by a past chief, usually the most recent. I served as Chief 2004-2005... but the last Chief (obviously before the current elected Chief) wanted to stay on the board no matter what... If the current Chief did not win re-election, then the past Chief would be out and the most recent Chief would take the seat... Have I lost ya yet? ... So the person who had been a Chief and was sitting on the board as past Chief, decided to run for election as a director, for a 2 year term. This way, whether the current Chief was re-elected or not, this past Chief would remain on the board. Whew... So he was elected to a directors slot and so the board had to look back to the next most recent past Chief, me... I took the slot, as there was no other past Chief to take it.
I am also a Commissioner for the district which contains the volunteer ambulance Corps. I wear many hats... However, even though the state mandated the towns to develope and "create" ambulance districts and that they should have commissioners certain duties, commissioners in ambulance districts here are basically figure-heads with very little control or true oversight of the finances (tax-payer money) provided to the volunteer ambulance corps. They were originally supposed have veto power on budget submission, and were required to be consulted and approve or disapprove expenditure over $10,000.00... this is no longer the case. The commissioners in an ambulance district are nothing compared to fire district commissioners. Nuff said...
Since I was ill with diverticulitis a year ago... I have decreased my riding somewhat... Last year I answered only 110 alarms... The year before was in the 300 range and the year I was Chief I answered 528 alarms... We'll see how I do this year.
Anyway... that's it for now...