I had a blast. Giving out awards to those that earned them was a treat. Especially fullfilling were the "special" awards... We chose two probationary members of the year. One male and one female. I feel that this years recipients really deserved the title. In addition, the Chief's Award was given to a very hard working, dedicated individual who helped me throughout the year. He really helped me alot...pain in the butt sometimes...LOL but...he definitely deserved this award. Of course, no matter who gets what awards, some people will be unhappy... Oh well...

A Suffolk County Legislator presents the outgoing Chief with a proclamation.

Invited dignitaries spoke briefly, extolling the outgoing Chief's (my)accomplishments...There were some cheers, some boo's (no couth) at various times through the night but overall... it went well.
One very special award was given out that night. As previously posted here... back in October, 2004, one of our ambulances was involved in a head on collission with an alleged drunk driver. (He hit our vehicle in our lane of travel) The EMT in charge, with an infant patient and the patients family in the back of the ambulance, with total disregard for her own injuries (2 broken ribs and sprained shoulder)

Shown here are the outgoing Chief, the high calls EMT/Driver (over 700), an outstanding hero EMT holding her award, and an Asst. Chief.

evaluated and the evacuated the ambulance. She then settled everyone on the side of the road and went about rendering emergency aid to the alleged drunk driver. He was seriously injured and she remained with him until relieved by arriving EMS workers.
For this she was recognized before her peers and received a standing ovation. Everyone stood but a few...(we won't mention names here, as in this entire blog...) and that showed what ignorant people they really are. But we did not let that stop the great party from continuing on.

I got to dance with Rachel to "Butterfly Kisses" She looked great, didn't she?

I got to dance with Liz,(oops there I go mentioning names...lol) and with my daughter Rachel...(to Butterfly Kisses) My brother David and sister-in-law Marilyn were there too. All in all we enjoyed my farewell party.

I surprised Liz with a bouquet of roses (a gift to her actually from the ambulance organization)

I was going to make a long speech, about what I attempted to do during my first year as Chief... instead I simply congratulated the in-coming Chief saying, "Congratulations on being elected Chief, but remember, a year is a short period of time... I'll be back". Ooos and ahhs abounded...lol
Now I'll be able to get some personal things accomplished in my life. It'll be a great year. Later...
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