Thursday, November 15, 2007

Regarding an old lawsuit...

DISCLAIMER: The images and writing contained in this blog are the thoughts and opinions of the blogger. Obviously, all names have been left out to protect both the innocent and the guilty. Thank heavens for the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution which allows presentation of my own feelings and opinions. There are those that feel I have violated privacy or confidences, however, with no names mentioned, attachment can only be made by inference. If by chance you don't agree with what is written here, or, feel you don't like what you have read, stop reading and don't bother coming back.

Seems like one part of a lawsuit has been dismissed as I had previously forecast (July 2007)... Seems a Supreme Court Judge (NYS) found no harm done by the newspaper involved and as such, dismissed the them from the suit. Now it's just a one on one thing.

Notice... no names here... only those involved might have the slightest idea what I am alluding to...Have a great day!:)

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