Boy, I have really neglected this blog... But it's October now and new events are shaping my life..
About a year and a half ago, one of my many doctors advised me I was "borderline" diabetic. I knew this was coming... My brother has diabetes... I have a few of the signs and symptoms he has, particularly peripheral neuropathy, This is a feeling of numbness and pain in the feet.
I was advised to watch my diet, less carbs...etc. and I have tried... and failed...
Three weeks ago I came down with a heavy case of Bronchitis... Instead of going to my GP, (with whom I am not all that happy) I went to my pulmonologist... He is a great doctor and always takes his time with me when I have an appointment. Well... he examined me and decided the best therapy would be Symbacort Inhaler... and a 16 day regimen of Prednisone, starting at 40mg a day and winding down to 10mg a day at the end. Also, a Z-Pak 5 day anti-biotic. Got through the 5 day anti-biotic, but still had a bad wheeze and cough.. went back to the doc and he re-upped the Prednisone, and gave me a shot of Salumedral (sp) via IV... I was good for a few days... and congestion is breaking up though I still have a wheeze.
I feel fine but still, with the wheeze and cough I'm not 100% recovered. Did I mention I also have COPD? So I'll never really be recovered.
Anyway... Yesterday I did about 3 hours of yard work... mowed the lawn, (with my cute little Weed Eater riding mower) edged and blew away all the debris with my "electric" leaf blower... Lawn looks great. Felt good to do the yard work...
Then Jay and I went to see an attorney of mine for some "legal" advice and then went to dinner with Jed. (Rachel was a her own doctors appointments)
Came home from dinner and realized I was dehydrated,, even though I had been drinking lots of water all day, (I was also passing it almost as fast) . All day, however, my fingers kept cramping up and when we came home from dinner, my calves were cramping as well... I needed some potassium. (I bought two bananas on the way home to eat at work. (remember I work 10pm to 6am five nights a week)
When I got to work my co-workers(paramedics) said I looked pale... I told them about my dehydration and they check my blood sugar level. (WOW... 480...) too high and I'm in keto-acidosis...So they want to start me on an IV to flush out the system, but my blood pressure was 166/88, so no IV... Would put the pressure through the roof...
So I am advised to drink plenty of water...I drank five (5) 20 ounce bottles of water over the shift (8 hrs) and the blood sugar level down to 358... still too high... so this am... I will call the doc and see what we have to do... I'll get back to ya... Have a nice day...
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