Thursday, February 10, 2005



DISCLAIMER: The images and writing contained in this blog are the thoughts and opinions of the blogger. Obviously, all names have been left out to protect both the innocent and the guilty. Thank heavens for the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution which allows presentation of my own feelings and opinions. There are those that feel I have violated privacy or confidences, however, with no names mentioned, attachment can only be made by inference. If by chance you don't agree with what is written here, or, feel you don't like what you have read, stop reading and don't bother coming back.

We're into February...Even I cannot keep up with my on line diary.. My blog...

My son, Dan is still at Camp Lejeune, NC with the USMC... Of course, the Marine Corps in it's infinite wisdom has Dan and his unit training for SASO and desert warfare in a wintry North Carolina with 20-30 degree temperatures... The CO writes in a newsletter, everyone is fine with the exception of some light colds... right... Dan says he thinks he's on the verge of pneumonia. But he'll live through it. If it snows in Iraq, he'll be ready for it. We'll hopefully get to see him around the 24th of February when he gets his last 96 hour pass before shipping over to Iraq for his second tour of duty. I can hardly wait to see him... I miss him so much.

Jay seems to be enjoying working at Okemo Mountain in Vermont... Time off a ship and onto the snowy slopes. He's working in the ski lodge rental and repair shop but in his time off he snow boards... Always nice to be able to play while you work...

Well... Newest news...I developed an infection on not one but 2 of my lower front teeth last week... WHAT a PAIN...for real... I wear a full upper denture for the past 2 1/2- 3 years... but the lower teeth have been going the way of the wind because I have been too dumb to go to the dentist (they scare the hell out of me)... and keep up with "dental care"... So I got a Doctor friend to write me a scrip for anti-biotics... (self treatment is great ... Isn't it?? NOT) and unfortunately... the infection was just too overwhelming so my pain scale went right off the meter... I can take a lot... and I mean a lot of mouth pain... but this got to the point of debilitating me for almost 5 days... So I decided to go to the dentist.

X-rays and exam and yep... These 3 and that 1 have to come out... Then we'll set you up with a lower bridge... have a full mouth of teeth again... Tada... That would be nice.

So Today (2/10/05) I had oral surgery... the pain following the extractions is NOTHING compared to what I felt before so I'm doin pretty well... Will have the stitches out next week... ok enough about my teeth...At least I can still talk

I'm starved... But cannot eat yet... So here I sit typing... Got off work this morning at 7am and by 8:15 was on my first (and only today) ambulance call. An unconscious elderly female from our local nursing home. Seems no one else was around today besides myself and Rachel, we went to the scene to stabilize... and a neighboring department sent an ambulance and ALS provider. When the call was completed, I picked up Rachel at the hospital and we went on to the dentists office.

While at the dentist, our ambulance company has 4 more calls and other departments had to handle them because we had no one around... This is why we MUST get the board of directors to approve paid first responders during certain hours of the day when we just don't have enough people on duty. They (the board) are going to have to face it one day and it had better be soon.

On a lighter note, my brother David is now working for an Anderson Window distributor in Connecticut, he seems to like it... It seems like a hard sell though... but... knowing David... He'll sell it...

Let's see... OK... no big explanation... but the charges that were flying around the ambulance corps since December'04 have all been disposed of, finally. Elections for new officers are coming up in March with nominations in January and February. So we'll see how the elections go. I am running for Chief again... With the hope that in a second year, we can really institute some viable and meaningful change. We sure as heck need it. Hopefully a lot of the "old" will go out and some of the "new" will come in... Maybe then we can accomplish more. I say this because I have been stymied by the board of officer and the board of directors for the past 11 months. Hopefully membership will give me (and a new board of officers and some new directors) the chance to do some good. Time will tell, as it always does.

I'll take a break here... Maybe make some scrambled eggs... Should be easy to eat...

As Arnold Schwartzeneger said in a movie... "I'll be bach..."

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