Well...Dan called March 9th and let me know he'd be free from duty on the afternoon of the 11th and not have to be back until 0'dark hundred on the 13th. On the 13th his battalion ships out. Dan was at Camp Lejeune, NC with the USMC training to return to Iraq.

So I called Dan's brother Jay, working at a ski resort in Vermont and told him, time to go... So he came home Thursday morning. Rachel called into work for Thursday night and Sunday night...I banged into my job and switched work days with two co-workers so I was off as well.
So off we went to be with Dan for a day and a half before he shipped out. Long drive, twelve hours plus, but more than worth it. Left in time to arrive at Lejeune just as Dan was getting off duty...About 8:30 AM. Found a hotel, checked in, got 2 hrs sleep and then on to the base.

Dan packing...at Camp Lejeune, Rachel,Dan and I watch.

While I am really worried and concerned for my son's safety and well being, he seems to be hooked up with a great band of brothers in his company and platoon. We'd met most of them before and enjoyed meeting Dan's new friends and comrades in arms.
We shopped for last minute things Dan wanted and ate like kings. Twice at the Texas Roadhouse restuarant... great food. Good quality time that I hope Dan remembers fondly while away at war.

At the Texas Roadhouse.. (left to right) Jay, Cpl Dan and Rachel.

Sunday morning came to quickly...and we had to say our goodbyes... The tears flowed and the hugs did not last long enough but finally we had to leave the base.
Jay, Rachel and I got home safe and sound in the wee hours of Monday morning. Jay left at 6 AM to return to Vermont. Rachel and I slept. Then I got a phone call from Dan at 7 AM (NY time). He called from Ireland... a stop over on the way to Iraq. He sounded good and was anxious to get there already. He said he'd call again when he could. I'm waiting patiently.
Trip was short but filled with great times and great memories. See ya...
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