DISCLAIMER: The images and writing contained in this blog are the thoughts and opinions of the blogger. Obviously, all names have been left out to protect both the innocent and the guilty. Thank heavens for the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution which allows presentation of my own feelings and opinions. There are those that feel I have violated privacy or confidences, however, with no names mentioned, attachment can only be made by inference. If by chance you don't agree with what is written here, or, feel you don't like what you have read, stop reading and don't bother coming back.
OK this is gonna sound convaluted...(sp?) but it really is...You be the judge. My daughter Rachel answers several ambulance calls one day... During one, she places her cell phone on the bench seat in the ambulance. When another alarm comes in, instead of getting in the original ambulance (where her phone was left) but into another waiting rig. While going to the next alarm, she realizes she left her cell phone, (a Nextel i860) in the other rig. She contacts them on the radio and requests the other crew look for her phone.
The other crew reports no can find... no phone anywhere. Hmmmmm... So after all calls are complete, a further search of all rigs, the various scenes and the hospital emergency room (including garbage pails), no phone.
Rachel posts a note at the ambulance HQ. Lost phone... if found please contact. Now, Rachel had only gotten this phone a week or so earlier. Luckily, she purchased insurance on the phone and for $100 deductible... got a replacement phone.
Her sign at HQ yielded no phone...
Now, two weeks or so after her phone is "lost?" another member comes up to her and "accuses" her of "accusing him" of stealing her phone. Rachel says...."no way..." Then he proceeds to show her HIS new cell phone... a Nextel i860 that he says he got, coincidentally, 2 days after she "lost" hers. Hmmmmmm... and there is a scratch on the phone just like the one on her original i860. Hmmmmmm..,
But, Rachel is cool... She does not want to jump to conclusions... But it bothers her...and with good reason.
Waiting until the time is right... Rachel finally gets the chance to confront the member who might have her phone. Using a ruse... she is able to check the Motorola serial number inside the phone. Boink... her original phone is in her hands.
Quietly, in private she confronts this individual, (I'm there watching) who becomes quite agitated over the situation. He complains that he is being "accused" of stealing Rachels phone. Rachel says she has no beef with him, she just wants her cell phone back. The suspect says he bought the phone from a neighbor for $150.00. (this was a brand new phone, selling at the best discounter for about $400)...
After much debate... the phone is returned to Rachel. Matter closed. She has her phone back... no further actions needed... (or so she thought)
The individual who had and gave up Rachels cell phone, then speaks out... to about 25 other members of the corps... that he is being accused of stealing Rachels cell phone... that she had tricked him (which she did) into seeing his phone... (stealing it was nothing... the fact that he was tricked bothers him) OK... Now everyone is hearing the story... but it all makes Rachel look like the bad guy... She's the victim here... LOL ... What to do... what to do... I think a police report might be in order... then what? ... This is where the story ends for now... as we know not yet where it will lead. More later.
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